
Becoming a HAHA member means you’re becoming part of a longstanding Tunbridge Wells institution. It was in 1895 that the “Marlpits allotments” were established on a hillside in the village of Hawkenbury. Then in 1933 five plot-holders met under the oak tree (still growing on the site and now our logo) to create the Hawkenbury Allotment Holders’ Association as a form of cooperative for the economical purchase of composts, seeds and so on.

Now HAHA membership is in the vicinity of 500 members and nearly 300 plots.  An elected Committee of volunteers administers the site, manages the Stores – now grown to a small business where birdseed is the most popular item –  and generally keeps the Association going strong.

Membership costs just £7 (£6 for seniors) per annum after an initial £7 (£6) joining fee.

Benefits of membership include:

Finally, members are encouraged to volunteer in a variety of ways to enable this flourishing Association to continue and to enjoy the social contacts of a welcoming group of people.